ACE has given me a head start in learning the expectations and responsibilities of an architect. I now know what is expected as I go on to college and what I need to do to prepare myself.

Architecture, Construction, and Engineering, or ACE, is a nationwide mentor program designed to introduce high school students to the wide range of career opportunities in the building design and construction industry. Founded in 2012, The ACE Mentor Program of Greater Charleston is South Carolina’s first affiliate of the national nonprofit ACE Program and is currently active during the spring semester at local high schools. Teams meet every other week for an hour and a half during the school day. Student teams work directly with industry professionals from the area’s leading firms, who volunteer their time to mentor the students as they design hypothetical projects, tour local construction sites, and visit architectural, engineering, and construction offices.
For students, ACE is a unique chance to discover and develop new skills, solidify future goals, and get a jumpstart to exciting and rewarding careers. Many students form positive and lasting relationships with industry professionals who can become influential references for obtaining college admissions, scholarships, internships, and even full-time employment. In addition to professional connections, the affiliate offers scholarship opportunities to deserving seniors who plan to attend college. Our goal at ACE of Greater Charleston is to expand to other high schools in the Lowcountry, as an in-class program in cooperation with teachers. If your school is interested in learning more about ACE, please contact one of our board members. Our mission is to expand the pool of young and diverse future engineers, architects, and construction managers in the local construction industry.
Our Team Projects
Students in the ACE program work closely with their professional mentors on projects that provide hands-on experience in solving design, engineering, and construction challenges industry professionals confront every day. These projects are typically the design and planning of a small building. The teams learn a number of skills, including basic building design, scheduling, and budgeting skills which are used by practicing professionals. Special exercises and activities are offered in each class which illustrate a design or management principle for our project. We work together to create drawings and/or models, as well as schedules and budget estimates for the building. Team projects are presented at our annual end-of-year banquet where the students’ hard work is celebrated by the mentors, participants, families, teachers, and community leaders.
Bobby Teachey
Chairman of the ACE Mentors of Greater Charleston Board
Brownstone Group
Bryanna Dering
Mentor Liaison
Current Schools
- Cooper River Center for Advanced Studies
- Fort Dorchester High School
- Charleston Charter School for Math + Science
- East Cooper Center for Advanced Studies
Mentors and Sponsors
Thanks to our many mentors and sponsors who have helped us this past year in making our affiliate such a success.
Board of Directors
Our board is comprised of local industry leaders who make a significant contribution to our affiliate. We are grateful for their continuing support.
View Our Board of Directors.
Participate in ACE!
If you’d like to experience ACE’s challenges, opportunities and rewards for yourself, contact us today!