Michael White, WELL AP, CFPS, SET, SmartScore AP, WiredScore AP
Senior Engineering Technologist & Director of Business Development
Intelligent Buildings, Americas
Siemens Industry, Inc. – Smart Infrastructure
Michael currently practices as a Senior Engineering Technologist and Director of Business Development for Siemens Smart Infrastructure, Americas Region. He is widely known throughout the building design and construction industry for applying a holistic and practical understanding of emerging technologies to the design and implementation of intelligent buildings. Michael leads the ongoing development and delivery of programs, tools, and applications that have proven successful in design phase collaboration on next generation smart building projects. Through his committee work within building industry codes, standards, and regulatory bodies, he leads efforts in aligning public policy, research, and development with the safety, security, privacy, and well-being of people. He is a strong advocate for collaborative delivery models where technical complexity is minimized and design features enable a progressive and iterative optimization of technology within the triple bottom line vision for the project.
Recently, Michael volunteered his time as a participating member of the IWBI Task Force on COVID-19, contributing to the new health-safety rating system for buildings. During this time, he published a field playbook for best-practices in applying cutting edge technology to the design and construction of COVID-19 alternate care sites. These efforts earned Michael a nomination for the USGBC Sustainable Business “Community Change Agent: Volunteer Leadership” award.
Michael has over 25 years of broad experience across multiple building systems domains and job responsibilities including 11 years most recently with Siemens. While at Siemens, Michael has played a critical role in implementing Siemens teams and technology within preconstruction efforts for building construction projects across North America in healthcare, class A office, governmental, mission critical, K-12, manufacturing, life sciences, mixed use commercial, and more.
In addition to his responsibilities within Siemens, Michael volunteers his time within academia as a guest lecturer, graduate research judge, and helps with recruitment and workforce development efforts. He has a unique understanding of how smart infrastructure technology can connect buildings with communities to enhance training and workforce development goals.