
About Us

ACE Mentor Program of Colorado serves high school students who want to explore careers in architecture, construction, and engineering. Throughout the year, the ACE program, which meets two hours per week for 17 weeks introduces participants to building industry professions by having them plan and design mock projects on real sites and work with professionals in the design and build industries.

ACE Mentor Program of Colorado

January – May 2025 Mentoring Semester.

This year we will be conducting in-person and a virtual session beginning in January.

For Mentors
If you are a new mentor who is interested in starting with us, please create a profile in the ACE national database. Go to and follow the instructions. You cannot participate in the program unless you register. Registration includes information on a required background check. Mentors in Denver Public Schools and Aurora Public School may be subject to additional background check requirements.

For Students and Parents
We are currently accepting applications from students. If you are a new or a returning student, please go to and follow the instructions. You cannot participate in the program unless you register and complete the paperwork. Once we confirm your registration, we will be in touch with you by email. Be sure to use a valid email address when you register. We will also need parents to sign forms authorizing the students to participate. Please note that the program is a high school educational program for students interested in Architecture, Construction, Engineering and the related design professions. ACE also offers college scholarships, but these are based on a competition an application and available funds. There is no guarantee that a student participant will receive a scholarship. There is no charge for students to participate in the program.
To learn more about ACE, watch this virtual Parent Night here.

For Teachers and Schools
If you are interested in becoming part of the ACE Mentor program, please contact Chris Bohnsak (see sidebar).

For Sponsors
Sponsorships are always welcome and may be tax deductible (consult your tax advisor). For a complete list of sponsorship benefits visit sponsors page.

Volunteers Needed in the Following Areas:

Virtual/In School or Classroom

  • Lead Mentors
  • Mentors
  • Recruitment
  • Guest Speakers

On a Committee:

  • Communications
  • Education
  • Event Planning & Coordination
  • Fundraising
  • Scholarship

Chris Bohnsak
Program Director
ACE Mentor Program of Colorado

Board of Directors

Our board is comprised of local industry leaders who make a significant contribution to our affiliate. We are grateful for their continuing support.
View Our Board of Directors.

For Mentors

Mentor Information

Mentor Registration & Training


Locations 2024/25

Participate in ACE!

If you’d like to experience ACE’s challenges, opportunities and rewards for yourself, contact us today!