ACE 2024-2025
Recruitment for the ACE Mentor Program for 2024-2025 was very successful! More than 470 students are participating on 16mentoring teams in Seattle, Bellevue, Tacoma, and virtually. It is shaping up to be an incredible year!
At this time, we are not adding students to teams, but any seniors who are interested are encouraged to contact us to learn about potential involvement. All others will be added to our interest list for the 2025-2026 program.
Students or alumni can check our online Opportunities Matrix for information about summer camps, internships, scholarships, industry events, and more. We keep this listing updated with information for students, from the middle-school level to alumni. Some opportunities are for ACE students, while others are for any student interested in the building industry or STEM activities.
Since 2001, the ACE Mentor Program of Washington has helped 4,500+ students learn all about the architecture, engineering, and construction professions. Are you fascinated by the art of architecture? Are you interested in how buildings withstand earthquakes? Are you intrigued by sustainable “green” building design? Are you wondering how a building can start out as an idea and become reality? Join the ACE program! Our program is free to students, thanks to donations from local firms, mentors, parents, and other supporters. To date, we have also given $1,382,500 in scholarships to students who pursued A/E/C fields at the university level. During the ACE Mentor Program, teams visit major construction sites, complete projects, and meet bi-monthly at mentor firm offices. Qualifying high school seniors are awarded scholarships and many students remain in touch with industry professionals for continued mentoring with career choices, college and internship applications, and future employment opportunities.
Find us on social media! Our pages have exciting industry links, local ACE events, program information, and details on what our teams are up to! Find us at, follow us on Instagram @acementorseattle, and connect with us on LinkedIn at
Each year the teams are assigned a project. Students and their mentors work diligently preparing for the Final Presentation Night where each team showcases their year-long effort. Over the years, team projects have included a new basketball arena for the Sonics, community centers in South Lake Union, a ski lodge on Steven’s Pass, a new Seattle Aquarium, high-rise towers on Lake Washington, and many more.
We are back to meeting in person for our presentation events, but student presentations from 2020, 2021, and 2022 are available for viewing on our YouTube page at
The ACE Mentor Program of Washington has a strong student scholarship program which has awarded a total of $1,382,500 since its inception in Washington state in 2001. Passing the $1 million mark is a magnificent milestone and one we are incredibly proud of! Seniors who have participated in ACE for at least one year and plan to pursue an ACE-related field in college are eligible to apply for an ACE scholarship.
The 2020 and 2021 scholarship events were virtual and can be viewed on our YouTube page. Additionally, the ACE slideshow from our 20th Anniversary celebration in 2022 is also on YouTube and includes photos from our history, a timeline, quotes from supporters, recognition of our mentors and sponsors, and much more. Visit our YouTube site here: The program handouts for the 2022 and 2023 scholarships events can be downloaded on the Events tab on this page.
The application for the 2025 scholarship will be available on January 31st. All active seniors in the program are encouraged to review it and apply! An informational webinar will be held on Wednesday, February 19, at 5:30 PM. ACE students can contact their team leader for the invitation and Zoom link.
Women in Engineering Endowment
Support the ACE Mentor Program
DONATE today and help ACE MENTOR OF WASHINGTON continue to offer this vibrant program FREE OF CHARGE, to all interested students. The average cost of the program per student, per year is $295. Your support will ensure program viability and enhance the future of the industry. It’s easy! Click on the DONATE button to the right of this page for a secure link via PAYPAL. Thank you for supporting the fastest growing mentoring programs in the building industry.