Laura Basualdo, S.E.


Laura Basualdo, S.E.
Los Angeles, CA

Laura joined ACE as soon as she started working. She was a mentor for a few months and jumped at the opportunity to be a co-team leader right away. A few years later, she co-founded a new ACE team East of Downtown LA, which she co-led until 2020. She has overseen organizing the Trades Day events for the ACE Los Angeles/Orange County affiliate for a few years now. She particularly enjoys organizing these events since the students get to learn about the trades while doing lots of different hands-on activities, and they tend to be the student’s favorite event. As a member of the ACE 2020-2021 Virtual Program Committee, she helped plan the virtual sessions during the pandemic. Laura joined the ACE LA/OC affiliate Board in 2021.

ACE Outstanding Mentors